I had an inkling of an idea that it was going to be a ton of fun but I really was not prepared for just how amazing it truly was. Over the next few weeks I will be posting most of the 800+ pictures I took over the three day weekend. I will make every effort to 1) correctly identify the guns in each picture and 2)correctly identify and link to the other bloggers that are in the photos. If for some reason I post a picture and get a name wrong or dont include one, let me know and I will make sure that information gets updated.
My drive to the Knoxville area was not all that eventful, my brand new GPS decided that I needed a tour of Southwestern North Carolina as apparently it was a 12 mile shorter drive than taking the interstate would have been. The down side was that it added over a hour to my trip because it involved 2 lane roads through the middle of small towns between 4 and 6 pm.
The first few photos are of the pre-event meetup that we did at a local pizza place. I got there a bit late so many of the people had cleared out by that time.
Here in the first photo is just a shot of the crowd that was left after I finished eating.
Here in the two photos above we have Gene Hoffman, Chairman of the Calguns Foundation (parent of the calguns forum) talking with one of the reps from KRISS.
Here we have one of the Luckygunner.com guys (left) talking with a group of us blogger types.
The beer was flowing by this time and all we were doing was standing around shooting the breeze so I put the camera down for the night after that.
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